Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Guinness Family

I must take the time to post about what is certainly my favorite beer line.

I remember my first Guinness Stout ever.  I was in the U.S. Navy stationed in Gulfport, MS.  I had a friend that consistently drank the dark, milky beer.  From the sight of it, I couldn't understand how anyone could actually like that crap.  It was dark (my first introduction to a black beer), and thick as a freshly melted milkshake.  I can remember sitting on the back of my friend's jeep as he would always say, "You have to acquire the taste, but once you do, you will be hooked for sure".  My response was always.... "Man, whatever!  Give me a Red Stripe!".  Finally my day came.  I was out of Red Stripe (my favorite beer at the time), and he was still going strong on the Guinness.  I decided to be lazy.  I would just drink one.... or two.. or three of his beers and go get more for myself tomorrow.  "Heck.  Can't be that bad... He's drinking it." That was my logic, and with that I asked for a Guinness.  First taste was just as I imagined it would be... milky, slightly oily, and musty..... Once my mouth finally straightened out.... and my friend stopped laughing at said face..... I decided to have another sip.  I found myself liking the beer more and more with each passing sip.  They also went amazingly well with bidis (my chosen smoke of the time..... Man I miss those things sometimes!).  Needless to say, I was hooked.  I soon became a fan of the black beer that I had scoffed for so long.  My friend would later, and consistently, remind me about how he told me that it was a good beer.

I have been a regular fan of Guinness from that point, enjoying the Extra Stout (cold and room temp), the Draught (remember when they had the little ball in the bottle), Foreign Extra Stout (fantastic), and the Black Lager.  I can honestly say that I have enjoyed each and every one of them immensely.  This is the beer that I ask for first when I go anywhere.

Where do you buy: Any major beer retailer
Taste:  9 of 10 (taster's choice!)
Alcohol content:  Strong I'm sure!
Guinness Brewery St. James Gate Dublin

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